月子膳汤 Confinement Soup (西马免运)
No cooking, No stewing, Mothers have an easier postpartum experience
Rich in nutrients, with 5x concentrated herbal medicine for highly efficient and easie
RM 2500.00
月后膳汤调理配套 After Confinement Herbal Soup Conditioning Package
红曲馆推出了一系列月后膳汤,提供更优质的中医调理。Red Yeast Launches a Series of Postpartum Tonic Soups, Offering Superior Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Treatments
RM 1540.00 - RM 2782.00
泡沫药膳配套 Forthy Herbal Packages
贵妃养颜三部曲 : 清肺, 养血, 补血 一步到位! 男女皆宜。
Beauty Trilogy: Cleanse the lungs, nourish the blood, and replenish the blood all in one step! Suitable for both men and women.
RM 864.00 - RM 1290.00
冬虫草鸡精 Cordyceps Essence Of Chicken
滋补肝肾,提高能量。5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 688.00 - RM 2064.00
八珍膳汤 Ba Zhen Soup
温补气血两虚,病后失调,或失血过多所致。5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 288.00
调胃膳汤 Digestion Soup
调理脾胃,健脾利湿。5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 288.00
补中膳汤 Stamina Soup
补中益气,懒言气促者。5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 288.00
补肺膳汤 Invigorating IM Soup
益气固表,预防感冒。5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 288.00
养阴膳汤 Nourishing-Yin Soup
滋阴补肾,阴虚火旺。5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 288.00
养心膳汤 Soothing Soup
养心安神,心血不足。5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 288.00
甘麦大枣汤 Blissful Soup
调节情绪,适合烦恼心慌者。5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 288.00
黄芪补肺汤 Vital-Qi Soup
养阴补血,气阴两虚 。 5 碗(包含冰包)/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 288.00
补肺虎奶菌精汤 Tiger Milk Mushroom Soup
“老虎奶”Cendawan Susu Harimau,主要是生长在热带雨林地区,由于老虎奶的药用价值非常高也被誉为马来西亚的国宝。目前临床使用在哮喘、咳嗽、发烧、癌症、肝脏和关节疼痛等疾病上,且临床报告及科研报告取得有效的结果。
RM 430.00
六君子精汤 Liu Jun Zi Soup
胃虚痰多 Adjusting weakness of Digestion and clean the Phlegm Retention
RM 430.00
保元精汤 Bao Yuan Soup
调理虚劳体质,补气温阳 Strengthening the deficiency body function
RM 430.00
麦门冬精汤 Mai Men Dong Soup
滋阴润肺 Moistening Dryness and Nourishing the “Lungs”
RM 430.00
四物精汤 Siwu Soup
补血,活血 Nourishing of Blood and Strengthening Circulation
RM 388.00
归脾精汤 Gui Pi Soup
健脾,养心血 Regulating mental state and enriching blood
RM 388.00
金匮肾气精汤 Jin Gui Soup
肾虚水肿 Weakness of kidney, causing Retention of water-dampness
RM 388.00
人参养荣精汤 Gin Sheng Beauty Soup
大补气血 Boosting the internal Blood and Qi
RM 388.00
庙爷黑醋 Premium Black Vinegar
A balance of sour and salty, aroma of dried tangerine peel, smoky flavor of roasted rice, explosive taste
RM 55.00
八斗醋(黑豆)Black Bean Vinegar
Smooth and gentle on the throat, featuring a blend of sour, sweet, and salty flavors with rich layers.
RM 95.00
姜米陈茶 Fermented Rice Tea
Aids digestion, relieves menstrual cramps, reduces heat and thirst, and helps clear phlegm and regulate qi.
RM 33.00
天然结晶盐 Crystallized Salt
Strong explosive flavor, rich soy sauce taste, natural crystals formed from the fermentation of sea salt and soy sauce
RM 48.00
澳洲海盐(幼) Australia Sea Salt(Fine)
100% pollution-free. Provides essential minerals for the body and enhances the flavor of food.
RM 9.00
澳洲海盐(粗) Australia Sea Salt(Crude)
100% pollution-free. Provides essential minerals for the body and enhances the flavor of food.
RM 6.00
乌梅汁 Plum Juice [冷藏食品 Clod Product]
Smoky flavor, sweet and sour, smooth texture.
RM 9.00
健康普洱茶包 Healthy Puer Tea Bags
RM 75.00
特选红木炭 Premium Charcoal
Charcoal fire, which releases far infrared rays, refines and breaks down ingredients, resulting in dishes with better texture and enhanced flavor.
RM 38.00
嘉拉蜂蜜TA65+ Jarrah Honey TA65+(250G)
TA 65+ 医疗级活性最高的级别蜂蜜、低葡萄糖,高果糖、不含杀虫剂,腐剂剂和瓦螨
Advantages: TA 65+ Medical Grade Honey with the Highest Level of Activity, Low in glucose and high in fructose. Contains no pesticides, preservatives, or Var
RM 488.00
嘉拉蜂蜜 Jarrah Honey TA 20+
RM 178.00
苦瓜蜜 Bitter Guard Honey
Smooth texture, sweet with a hint of bitterness.
RM 133.00
银蜂蜜 Kelulut Honey
More liquefied, smooth texture, sweet with a hint of sourness
RM 255.00
腐乳 Fermented Beancurd 【三罐/1套】
Fermented taste with a hint of wine fragrance, moderate saltiness, mildly spicy.
RM 45.00
南乳 Redyeast Fermented Beancurd【三罐/1套】
Rich flavor, moderate saltiness, with a fermented taste from red yeast rice.
RM 45.00
糙米味噌 Brown Rice Miso【冷藏食品 】
Explosive flavor with a fermented aroma of brown rice.
RM 25.00
沙巴辣椒酱 SABASCO Chili
RM 21.60
嘉拉蜂蜜 Jarrah Honey TA 35+ (250G)
RM 240.00
五香炸酱 RY Spice Sauce [速冻食品 Frozen Product]
Rich flavor, slightly salty, aroma similar to beef sauce, Western cuisine feel with an Oriental taste
RM 13.80
古早味咖喱酱头1号 Traditional Curry Paste [速冻食品 Frozen Product]
Slight herbal flavor, pure spicy aroma, rich curry taste
RM 28.00
伴仙药浴 Medinical Bath
Relieves wind, prevents colds, unblocks meridians, and is essential for postnatal care.
RM 17.00
养正香皂 Bersih 2
Handmade soap with a refreshing fragrance. Suitable for most sensitive skin types.
RM 32.00
五花肉Pork Belly (1kg/RM89.00)
Red Yeast has been consistently providing high-quality pork for many years, making it a prime choice among select ingredients with a focus on health.
RM 72.00
排骨Pork Ribs(1kg/RM91.00)
Red Yeast has been consistently providing high-quality pork for many years, making it a prime choice among select ingredients with a focus on health.
RM 73.50
猪肚《不需要自已洗猪肚》Pig Stomach: “No Need to Wash Pig Stomach Yourself“
Red Yeast has been consistently providing high-quality pork for many years, making it a prime choice among select ingredients with a focus on health.
RM 20.00
砂勞越高原土著-黑米 Sarawak Heirloom Etem Back Rice
味覺: 糙米及白米都保留米的原味 Preserves the original taste in both brown and white rice
RM 9.60 - RM 16.00
砂勞越高原土著-白米 Sarawak Heirloom Bario White Rice
Preserves the original taste in both brown and white rice
RM 9.60 - RM 16.00
砂勞越高原土著-黄米 Sarawak Heirloom Bario Brown Rice
味覺: 糙米及白米都保留米的原味 Preserves the original taste in both brown and white rice
RM 9.60 - RM 16.00
砂勞越高原土著-紫米 Sarawak Heirloom Bajong Purple Rice
味覺: 糙米及白米都保留米的原味 Preserves the original taste in both brown and white rice
RM 9.60 - RM 16.00
砂勞越高原土著-红米 Sarawak Heirloom Sia Red Rice
味覺: 糙米及白米都保留米的原味 Preserves the original taste in both brown and white rice
RM 9.60 - RM 16.00
砂勞越高原土著-儿童米 Sarawak Heirloom Baby Grains Rice
兒童米: 6至15個月的米 Children's Rice: Designed for different age groups ranging from 6 to 15 months
RM 22.00 - RM 23.50
食養系列~“修復味蕾” 的食材【長壽羮】 Nutrition Series - Ingredients for “Restoring Taste Buds”
功效: 補肺氣,健脾,利濕5 碗(包含冰包)
Benefits: Tonifies lung qi, Invigorates the "spleen" ,Eliminates dampness/ 5 Bowls (Including Cooler Bag)
RM 90.00
自取服务 Self Pick Up
RM 0.00
雪隆区运输 Klangvalley Delivery
RM 0.00
冷冻运输 Frozen Delivery
Delivery product Nan Yang Herbal Soup / Nan Yang Herbal Essence / Frozen Food
Only for west malaysia
RM 0.00
蕉赖自取 CS Pick Up
No. 19.01.01 & 19.01.02,Level 1,Blok E Kompleks Kormersil Akasa, Akasa Cheras Selatan, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor
RM 0.00